I, like any other of my college peers, am intimately familiar with the temptation to sleep in strange places. Back when I attended EMU, I had a few particular lounges I preferred for my midday naps. Now, I have a series of coffee shops I know have comfy couches, and it is not so unusual to find me napping in one of them, nor is it out of place to find me sleeping in an empty Dennison or East Hall classroom, or deep in the bowels of the undergraduate library. My roommate sometimes literally spends several days in a row locked in the art school, sleeping in studios. It's a part of college life, I find, just like espresso or beer.
However, what makes me angry is the chance discovery of one of my college peers unconscious at a computer in the fishbowl. Resources are limited, people. Don't take up a seat for your sleeping needs when I desperately need the computer you're sleeping at to print out the paper I wrote at 3am last night and need to print out before my class starts three minutes from now. Sleep elsewhere! Limited resources, people, limited resources!