Sunday, October 26, 2008

A meme I meant to post a long time ago..

Stolen from blue_sky_48220 on livejournal.

Sarah Palin married her high school boyfriend, Todd Palin, on August 29, 1988. The Palin family lives in Wasilla, about 45 miles (72 km) north of Anchorage. The Palins have two sons (Track, 19, and Trig, four months) and three daughters (Bristol, 17; Willow, 14; and Piper, 7) [ages as of August 2008]. Todd Palin has said Track's name came from the interest Sarah's parents had in the sport and the fact that he was born in the sport's season; Bristol was named after Bristol Bay in Alaska, where Todd grew up and where he does commercial fishing; Willow was named after Willow, Alaska; Piper got her name because it is uncommon and "a cool name"; Trig's name is Norse for "strength".

1)Your first-born will be named after your parents favorite sport:

2)Your second-born will be named after a nearby area that you're not from but you like the sound of part of the name, and maybe you have nostalgic memories of said place:
Cape Cod.

3)Your third-born will be named after another nearby place, for no reason other than you already have two children and don't have time to put much thought into another name:

4)Your fourth gets a "cool" name:

5)Your fifth gets something mythological, possibly straight out of Lord of the Rings:


I'm going to kick some long dead member of my maternal family line's ass if I have one. Watch out, here comes 'roid rage Irisi..

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I feel like life comes in little spurts of crazy. As a result, I've lost grip of just how stressed out I am, I seem to have two states of being:

Mellow: It's all gravy, it'll all work out, I'm happy, my life is moving forward, I will soon have the chance to pursue all my dreams, I have such a strong network of friends, I have a happy and healthy relationship, I just cooked some delicious chili.

Crazy: Holy shit, I'm graduating and have no idea what I'm doing with my life, my parents live in Sweden and never reply to my emails, I'm going to end up homeless with a piece of paper from U of M that says I know something, all my friends are moving and I probably will be as well, my personal spiritual practice is in shambles, I don't have enough hours in the day.

Most importantly, I feel like I'm hitting a brick wall repeatedly whenever I try to get schoolwork done. My therapist calls this 'burnout,' aka 'senioritis.'

Right now, I'm writing in my blog instead of working on Greek and Psych. And I spent all day working (unsuccessfully) on my Curriculum Vitae and Statement of Purpose, to avoid Greek and Psych.

I am living in a paradox of happy and calm and crazed and stressed and a whirlwind of changes... Is this how everybody feels when they realize that they're going to graduate soon?

PS I failed to mention that TFA rejected me. I don't really want to talk about it. Jerks.

Monday, October 20, 2008


I am going to declaw my cat Magic, with my bare hands.

Not really.

I get SO frustrated when she decides to claw the carpets, despite people yelling at her in three different languages to stop it, being sprayed with water, loud noises, etc etc... I clip her nails weekly, and tried claw caps, but she just chews them off. I want to convey to her that the caps are to prevent a painful surgery in which the tips of her bones will be cut off, but she just doesn't get it and keeps on destroying things.

I have huge moral compunctions regarding declawing cats, but I also have a big problem with my carpet being shredded and all of my security deposits forever going to feed my cat's addiction.