Sunday, June 22, 2008

Dog update!

She is fine.

It was a urinary tract infection.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

GRE death

I took a practice GRE exam cold (without studying) and scored in the 60th percentile....

... Which is, clearly, unacceptable.

Looks like I have a new summer project!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Joy of Joys!

I can eat BUTTER!

- I am severely lactose intolerant
- I hate taking pills with meals
- Hence I usually don't eat dairy

I decided yesterday that instead of using purchased butter for a dish I wanted to make to share with a friend, I'd make my own using heavy whipping cream. I've done this by accident before (when trying to make whipped cream and getting over enthusiastic), but I wanted to read up on the chemical process that actually makes butter, well, butter. It's really pretty cool.

Anyways, in the process I made the discovery that natural, homemade butter is very low in lactose... And to my delight, I found I can eat it without taking a lactose pill with no ill effects!!!!

Store bought butter still kills me, though..

Anyways, this great discovery has brightened my day. I've decided I'm going to start making monthly batches of clarified butter (keeps longer), so butter can once more be a part of my life.

... I'm so happy. :)

Friday, June 6, 2008


I'm mostly done moving, just need to clean the old room for the new occupant. I enjoy my balcony in the new room. Life is good.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Irisi strikes out again

The past week has had some marvelous incidents in which I have been:

- stood up
- calmly rejected
- probably totally misinterpreted something somebody said and am now super embarrassed about
- canceled on (AGAIN)
- mostly ignored

.... All with different individuals.

I have a strong desire to say "I QUIT" with relationships. I am too shy to follow up on eye flirtations at the bookstore, as my wee little heart is feeling trampled on. And as I sip my wine (my sole companion on these hot summer nights), I wonder when life became so focused on relationships, and when I started pressuring myself to find a mate. I wonder if I am destined to be like Samantha on Sex and the City: always floating from casual partner to casual partner, 50 and single... And then I wonder: is that really such a bad fate?

Sunday, June 1, 2008

MomQuotes: On Family Bonding

(Misspoken as we pulled away from Dunkin Donuts, about a minute later she realized what she had said)

Mom: I think Dunkin Donuts promotes bondage.

(five hours later, as I struggled to take off sexy knee high boots that were stuck on my feet.. This whole dialogue was my mother talking to herself.)
High voice: Oh, what a nice date... Seems I can't take my boots off! I'll just leave them on!
Low voice: Woah, kinky!
High voice: That's what happens when you take me to Dunkin Donuts.