Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I've been cranking out random poetry lately. Here are two of them:

The vultures circle
eyes cast downward,
pacing steps metered
with the frantic pulse
of the dying

The vultures circle
Flesh talons gripping
red ice boxes, fiercely,
and gleaming knives
with ferocious delicacy

The vultures circle
in sweaty scrubs
and dirty booties
smiles hidden
by sterile masks
and blue headdresses

The vultures circle
pacing, still, until
with a swipe of the pen
and a swipe of the knife
they take one fading death
to prevent another.

My breath stops
and my knees weaken, again,
as my heart, quivering, lifts
away from my body
my vision blurs
and muscles shake
as I hasten to write these words
my eyes, unbidden,
rise to yours,

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